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As we rounded the bend, Mont Saint Michel suddenly came into view, and I was instantly struck by its magnificent presence. Rising dramatically from the horizon, the ancient abbey perched atop the rocky island looked like something straight out of a fairytale. The sight of its towering spires and formidable walls surrounded by the vast expanse of the tidal bay left me breathless. The ethereal beauty of the structure was further enhanced by the play of sunlight on its weathered stones, creating an enchanting aura. The sight was truly surreal, and I couldn't help but marvel at the architectural wonder that stood before me. The imposing silhouette against the changing sky invoked a sense of wonder and reverence, making me eager to explore the secrets that lie within the iconic Mont Saint Michel.

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Stepping onto the causeway leading to Mont Saint Michel, I felt a sense of anticipation and wonder, knowing that I was about to embark on an unforgettable journey. As I approached the island, the towering abbey seemed to grow in grandeur, revealing more intricate details of its medieval architecture. The narrow, winding streets were lined with charming shops and restaurants welcomed me into a world frozen in time, with the exception of the crowds of people.  The rustic stone buildings exuded a sense of history, and with each step, I felt transported back in time to a bygone era.

As Mary Kay and I strolled down the bustling street, we couldn't help but notice the massive throng of people. Realizing that finding a place to eat might become challenging soon, she came up with a brilliant idea to save time. It was only 11:00 am, but she proposed we indulge in a leisurely lunch at one of the charming restaurants before the lunch rush engulfed the area. Taking her advice, we settled into a cozy eatery and savored a delightful meal while sipping on refreshing drinks. The restaurant's ambiance provided the perfect setting for people-watching, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to our relaxing dining experience.

We had not anticipated the crowds and the long line to get into the Monastery, so we hadn't purchases entry tickets in advance, so we resigned ourselves to get in the long line. Mary Kay had another brilliant idea and said "Do you think we can buy the tickets online?" (Obviously she has become a much more savy world traveler than I have, because the thought hadn't occurred to me).  Armed with several travel apps on my phone I was soon able to purchase tickets. With the tickets in hand we bid adieu to the long line and walked up  the empty pre-ticketed line and right up to the entrance.

In contrast to most cathedrals we have visited in Europe, the Abby's beauty resides in the exquisite stonework rather than the vibrant stained glass, opulent tapestries, and intricately carved wood commonly found in churches and cathedrals. As an abbey where devoted monks lived and worshiped, its allure emanated from the solemnity of their vows and the serene atmosphere they cultivated.

Inside the abbey, the hallowed halls echoed with the whispers of the past. Each stone seemed to hold centuries of secrets, and the delicate stained glass windows cast colorful rays of light that danced on the walls. As I explored the labyrinthine passageways and climbed the worn steps, I was transported to another era, captivated by the architectural marvels and the dedication of those who built this place of spiritual contemplation.

In the tranquil courtyard of the Abbey, the grandeur of its ancient spires and walls stood majestically in the background, evoking a sense of reverence and wonder. The soft overcast sunlight solemnly illuminated the space, where intricate stone carvings adorned the walls, whispering tales of devotion and craftsmanship. Amidst the serenity, visitors from all corners of the world gathered, their respectful whispers blending with the ambiance of spirituality. The Abbey's architecture, a testament to medieval genius, was humbling, as I marveled at the enduring spirit of human accomplishment and the profound connection to history and art in this sacred place.

From the heights of the abbey's towers, the panoramic views were breathtaking. The vastness of the tidal bay and the changing landscape reminded me of the ebb and flow of time. It was a memorable experience to witness the effects of nature's forces shaping the island's surroundings, creating a dynamic spectacle.

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The interior courtyard of the abbey presented a captivating sanctuary of tranquility, enclosed by an elegant columned walkway. The stately columns rose gracefully, forming an intricate canopy overhead with the sunlight, shining brightly o the lush green grass adding a touch of nature's beauty to the contemplative atmosphere. The symphony of silence enveloped the courtyard, allowing for a moment of peaceful reflection. It was a space that seemed to invite introspection, offering a glimpse into the spiritual journey of the monks who once sought solace within these hallowed walls.

As the day waned, we made our way down to the charming village nestled at the foot of the abbey. Cobblestone streets led us past quaint shops and inviting cafes mixed with the magical history of this amazing place. Before we left we stopped by a restaurant where they serve the huge fluffy  soufflet omelettes and we were able to witness their preparation.

We stood by the open kitchen where skilled chefs donning traditional attire expertly wielded their copper pans over open flames. With each crack of an egg and the gentle whisking, the omelette's magic began to unfold. The chefs added generous amounts of butter to the pan, causing it to sizzle and bubble enticingly. I could almost taste the velvety richness that was about to grace my palate. As they poured the frothy egg mixture into the pan, it swirled gracefully, forming a luscious golden disk that would soon become a culinary masterpiece. The chefs' movements were graceful and deliberate, each step a well-practiced dance that showcased their culinary prowess. As the omelette cooked, they skillfully folded it, ensuring its inside remained perfectly creamy while the exterior attained a delightful crispness. 

Leaving Mont Saint Michel was bittersweet, as I felt reluctant to bid farewell to the timeless beauty and the spiritual experience it had offered. As we walked back along the causeway, I couldn't help but look back, cherishing the memories of a visit that had left an indelible mark on my heart and soul. Mont Saint Michel was more than just a place; it was a living testament to the resilience of human endeavor and nature's marvels, an experience that would forever linger in my fondest memories.

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